Transfer Pricing Agreements

The agreements have to be entered into with the Associated Enterprises based on the nature of business or nature of international transactions for ex: services provided to associated enterprises, or services availed from Associated Enterprises, Subscription to share capital, buy back of shares, loans provided / obtained from / to AEs, reimbursement of expenses, transactions involving transfer of intangibles etc.

For each type of international transactions, there should be a consideration or consensus between Associated Enterprises and there should be a proper agreement to be drafted in view of TP regulations.

We will draft the Transfer Pricing Planning as well as agreements in favour of the parent company or the subsidiary company or the group companies.

We will do qualitative advise on drafting of those agreements in a proper manner and there will not be transfer pricing risk whatsoever in future, provided the Multinational companies should disclose full facts and figures to us.

T P India Services
Mobile: +91 - 09701560975
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